Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lyme Disease, BFs, FeeBay and Other Annoyances

The temp is 50 degrees right now - 7:13 a.m., Cape Coral, the BF's house. I am in tee, sweats, a fleece robe left behind by a past guest and our big thick chair blanket. I'm lookin sorta Navajo.

This cold makes my Lyme Disease act up. Yesterday I woke up and gave it up. Worked from home, then drove in around 2.

Stopped at a light behind a New Hampshire vehicle. Their "Live Free or Die" motto was altered by an errant plate bolt that made the message look like "Olive Free or Die", which seemed more appropriate to Sicily.

I find my humor where I can.

Got in to work, my pulse racing and feeling like crap. But I love that job and those people, started obsessing some projects and my symptoms finally went away.

Around 4 my high-functioning-alcholic-previously-ex-boyfriend texted me asking if I wanted any wings from the biker bar. Always alarming, a text from the Dek at 4. Shrugged it off, had stuff to do.

Got home at 8 ... he wasn't there. I text him "you're with (insert name of asshole.)" He says yeah, will be home soon. I text, stay as long as you want, it doesn't matter. He writes back, "back soon - it does matter."

In five weeks he's going to be gone for 7 months. It had better matter. I'm feeling good about him, but then he doesn't show up. We're talking big time deal with the drunk night. I knew he was with the guy across the street who totally cheeses me off ... treats his Russian girlfriend like Michael Vick treated his dogs. My thoughts in regard to him are not consistent with my faith in Buddhism. So sometimes I backslide. Given the opportunity, I may tear his black heart out and shove it in his face.


10 pm I fall asleep in the chair. Still not there. 11 pm I take my sorry butt to bed with the girls and turn on Sex and the City. It's the one where Carrie dates the jazz guy and whatsherface decides to be lesbian for a while. That's not one of my favorite episodes. I fall asleep.

The BF starts clanging around midnight or one a.m. Remember I'm not feeling well.

He comes to bed around 2, laughing, turning on lights, playing with the dogs. I tell him I need my sleep. My joints are screaming from the Lyme and I don't want to take anything for it.

He goes out and I hear him snoring in the chair in front of the TV. He comes back to bed around 3 and snores there. Then around 6 he's blowing bar breath in my face. I put my hand up against his face so he can get a whiff himself. Then I give up/get up.

Broken dishes in the kitchen. Well, it's his house and his ugly garage sale dishes so I could care less. There is a 4 lb. pork shoulder roast in the microwave. I don't know how long that's been there. The fancy thingamajig remote I'm not allowed to touch is above the kitchen sink, far from it's place of use. And the TV won't turn on ... he effed it up somehow. He will not be pleased when he finally rises. He will have no one else to blame.

So I start the day off fairly cranky. I will have to remember this behavior when he goes back to Michigan in April. It will be good to be back in my pretty condo in Fort Myers.

Someone's supposed to interview me by phone about eBay today, did I join the boycott, etc. No, I saw it wasn't working, gave it every chance in hell, worked harder, worked smarter and felt like I was working for them. Got pissed and pulled my store.

I've been looking for another online store because I do have a nice inventory of vintage costume jewelry. Found one I liked and it was part and parcel of the eBay cartel. ProStores I thought it was.

eBay feels like a hero that has fallen, a friend who took care of me while I was sick but stabbed me in the back a few years later. I spent a lot of time writing my book and I paid much tribute to eBay. (It's "Sick Mick's Guide to Selling Antiques & Collectibles" - available at Amazon or on my own cheesy book site, What I wrote about using online auctions should hold true for any solid merchant service.)

I've been thinking about what to say when I get interviewed. Mostly I don't think ANYONE realizes how much people who are chronically ill depended on eBay for funds in a country that doesn't take care of those who really need it.

So now they don't even have eBay. That upsets me greatly.

Dropped my book off at a local consignment shop I like a lot. The owner seemed delighted. We cut a deal where I'll take my share in trade. She has good stuff.

She's "More Taste than Money" in Fort Myers.

Dreams ... I do dreamwork. I have a recurring dream that I have fallen into a canal. The first time I was terrified, felt like I was dropped from a helicopter ... the water was clear and warm but I was scared to death. There was another, I can't remember. And there was the one this morning ... somehow I was in the canal swimming. There was green foliage at the surface, so I dove underwater where it was clear and beautiful! It was euphoric. I rose to get a breath of air and saw a woman terrified to bein the water. Her mouth was open in horror. And I kept telling her "it's ok, you're ok, dive - it's beautiful."

Not sure what it meant. I think it represented the difference between those who fear death and those who have strong faith in "the other side."

Or maybe it was a reminder from my guides not to take anything at face value.

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