Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ben Stein about Valentine's Day on "Sunday Morning"

We know him as the voice of reason.

This morning he talked about his wife carrying their old dalmatian downstairs so she could go outside and do her business. The dog was sick. He said the dog peed all over his wife mid-way, but she really didn't miss a beat. She took the dog outside. Came back in, carried the dog back upstairs, changed into clean clothes and laid down by the ailing dog.

The dalmatian died the next day.

He said they have something like six cats and three dogs. His wife has no sense of smell ... he figures it has something to do with her trusting nature. He said he loves her.

"We're not young any more." He said one Valentine's Day one of them will be alone. He can't imagine the pain of it. He talked about how his father suffered after the death of his mother ... photos of his dad were in the background. The loss was palpable.

He asks us to remember people who have lost their partners this Valentine's Day.

It brought me to tears. It has been a long time since I saw anything on TV that was so open and honest.

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