Sunday, June 13, 2010

Engulfed; what it's like to live with fear of oil on our shores.

At sunset - when I take my walks - water temp, body temp and air temp are all the same; it is surreal.


When we were invited to Hands Across the Beaches in the spring, the joining together of young/old, rich/poor, conservative/liberal, Christian/non-Christian was INSPIRING. We did not want drilling off our shores.

Those of us who participated SAW THIS TRAGEDY COMING. It was inevitable. It's math. The potential for human error times how many wells?


There are two things that inevitably calm me down when I'm stressed. Walking the beach at sunset and going to yoga. Walking the beach, you can't help but wonder how long it will stay the way it is. You pray - otherwise the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming. The Gulf is the reason so many of us moved here. Those who were born to it - I can't imagine what it feels like to have home threatened.

I went to yoga at Health and Harmony yesterday. In season, Sondra's classes are so popular it's hard to find a space. But season is over - the snowbirds have gone home.

Still, something told me to go early. I arrived 15 minutes before it was to start. On the bright side, I was able to nab my favorite mat before turning the corner to a ROOM THAT WAS ALREADY FULL. I found a space that put a stranger's toes 3" from the top of my head. There were a LOT of people I had never seen before.

It's nice to see new people, but it can be awkward to be that close - finger to finger, toes to head! The instructor was nearly overwhelmed. Two people gave up and left.

A friend planted herself next to me and I made some comment about "why do we have so many people! It's not even season!" A woman's voice answered my question. "We're all stressed about the gulf."

Aha. How is it we always think we're the only one taking a thing to heart?

Smooshed as we were, yoga was wonderful. It started with quiet meditation. Sondra guided us through balancing poses and we rested again. We left feeling refreshed and restored.

The Gulf issues remain; what we CAN do is take care of ourselves so we're mentally and physically able to help if and when the time comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just posted about this on my blog today... I grew up in So. Fort Myers (San Carlos - 20 years)My grandfather shrimped from there, my stepfather fished mullet from the Coconut road fishery that was closed when Westinghouse came in... I think of everyone back home every day!