Friday, June 11, 2010

Alone Again. God this sucks.

Happy Birthday Emma:-)
Wish I was there.

(Save that frog - maybe it's one I missed.)
Being alone again can make you:
Swear more
Or less
Sleep all day
Stay awake all night
Pursue causes with extreme prejudice
Center your text
Change your font
Clean; or not
Drink more beer
If you had any
Read maps
Order pizza
Call your mom
Text an ex; or two
Aspire to a better kayak
Despite the fact that there's no one to kayak with
Get weepy about aunts, uncles and cousins
Check emails with ridiculous frequency
Spend more money on birthdays
Ship gifts so early they arrive on time
Tell the people you love that you love them
Redecorate your condo (in your head)
Provoke socio-political shitstorms on Facebook
Avoid friends who might care enough to ask how you are
Think about adopting a large tropical bird
Look at beachfront real estate you could never afford
In case you ever get off your ass and finish that best-seller
Volunteer for charities you admire
Which will, of course, get in the way
Should you meet someone
But that's not going to happen
So you do it.

Check out "Patients"
They have birds there. Of course these could
take your whole arm off, but - what the heck.

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