Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The big Florida vote; don't judge me.

I didn't vote last night because I was tired and it was 25 cent taco night at the biker bar.

Also I didn't understand the whole concept of Democratic sabotage votes during a Republican primary.

Still exhausted from the first family visit to Southwest Florida. I am going to design "Unofficial Tour Guide" t-shirts with a "Kill me now!" subhead.

It is going to take me forever to recover.

Today so far ...
Got my leg humped at the office - a coworker's giant lab. Said "you have to buy me dinner first."
A bird hit the window and two salaried personnel and one partner were out there with paper towels debating the best way to care for it until it woke up. (I think it's gonna be ok.) Non animal lovers chortled like we were a bunch of idiots. (We only have two non-animal lovers.)
The lady partner's dog barked at my soup. ("Want some!!!") No. He has been known to bark at donuts.
Account person adjusted her DDD bra in a meeting with the main owner. Put her hand down her incredible cleavage (all original equipment) and yanked hard. I told her "you're way too comfortable here." The boss said "don't worry - none of it bothers me."

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