Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. I am at work. My viking helmet with yellow braids is out in the car in case I get festive ... or we start drinking early.
I don't think I'll get into the spirit of things until after the election.
Was driving in morning before last and some idiot was on the "sign corner", Six Mile Cypress & 41. Apparently this intersection is where you go when you have something important to tell the world.
Or local traffic.
Some months back - when Officer Andrew Widman was killed by a Cuban criminal who had slipped through the system - the cops were on every corner with signs. People were honking in support of our police force and the outflow of compassion for Widman's family BLEW ME AWAY.
I thought "I have moved to a place with heart."
At work, I told the girls and one sat on the floor with the newspaper article about his widow and small children. She cried. That's how we are. We give a shit.
But the other morning there was a jackass with a giant "Nobama!" sign. I had a mascara wand in one hand and steering wheel in the other; still, I managed to flip him off without losing control of the vehicle.
I told the girls at work. Our new Jamaican model (I love her, she's awesome) said "He might have tracked you down and hurt you" and I said "the newspapers would read 'McCain Supporter Kicks Ass of South Fort Myers Grandmother" and I would be fine with that.
"Grandmother" sounds so innocuous. Snort. I am the world's worst Buddhist. Maybe I can return to that peaceful place after the election ...
My day doesn't usually end well when a flipped bird is my first public act; but that one did. Wound up at a very nice dinner at Bonefish after a wine tasting around the corner. Some of us needed a little sobering up.
Damned if two from our group aren't extremely bright Republicans. I sat there thinking (note commendable restraint) Republicans are either wealthy, fundamentalist zealots or stupid.
These two have been very political for a very long time, while I am a neophyte. When they attacked, I knew I was in over my head. I finally said "Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results."
To my surprise, that shut them down.
One of the Republican guys DID say something really interesting. "It seems like all intelligent women hate Palin."
It was a fun night, AWESOME crabcakes, superb service and no raised voices or bloodshed. Most important, I managed to get out for less than $20 with a nice tip. God money is so tight.
Yesterday I lived on fiber bars - that's all I had at home.
Needed to leave work a little early due to unanticipated bloat.
Last night I made Mexican Wedding Balls for our company Halloween party ... those little round white cookies with butter, nuts and confectioner's sugar. Dropped the bag in my kitchen and it exploded into a white cloud that looked like the final desk scene in Scarface.
I was up cleaning past midnight ...
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