(Major profanity alert.)
I have bitched about this before. The second Palin came on the scene, a born again friend sent me an email filled with dead and aborted babies.
She must have heard I am pro-Obama. In her head, that makes me a baby killer. (??!)
Her first email arrived around the time Caribou Barbie's approval of aerial hunting made news in the animal rights community.
She and I are both members of that community; we would both go to jail on behalf of an animal.
At least that's what I thought.
I liked that about her. "Liked" being the operative word.
Apparently Palin's Evangelical Bible Thumping has erased all horrors against four legged souls. The first email she sent gave no clue to the bloodbath within. I opened it first thing on a Monday morning. She was smart enough to not include me with her entire email list because she knew I would get angry and REPLY ALL.
So this morning I get ANOTHER email from her with "Pro Life Video" in the subject line.
Her message read "The risk of losing another's friendship by sending this video, is far outweighed by the truth. I cannot & will not deny the truth..."
Will you deny my right to ask you to STF up???
Why don't you send this shit to people who have abortions? I'd actually be OK with that. But I'm six years past hot flashes - leave me TF alone. And nothing you send will diminish my admiration for Barack Obama.
In fact, shit like this increases it because I realize what we're up against.
I didn't open the video. I wrote:
"I am pro-choice not because I have ever had or WOULD have ever had an abortion (I would not) - but because I have NO FUCKING RIGHT TO TELL SOME OTHER WOMAN WHAT TO DO WITH HER WOMB.
It's not about abortion here Christine, because the people who want them will still get them. I object to any group that tries to tell me what the fuck to do with decisions that are PERSONAL."
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