Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Afternoon at the Everglades Skunk Ape Research Headquarters

I hung out in the Everglades all day today. I had to be forced into the Skunk Ape Attraction - the tackiness factor is OFF THE CHARTS.

And I was worried about the welfare of the animals on display. I had nothing to worry about.

I just about had to be forced to leave ... the guy who cares for these animals gave me a personal tour. He knows all the biological (?) names of all the critters. I thought he must have gone to school for it and asked him how he learned them so well.

He said "I got bit a lot." (He showed me his two biggest scars, one on the arm from one of the birds I held and another on his leg from a green iguana who tore out a chunk by laying in and giving a big twist.)

When I left he told the guys out front "watch her, she'll be back for DoDo if you give her half a chance." (The white bird.) DoDo was so loving he "regurgitated food for me". Beastmaster said he'd never seen him do that, said it was a huge compliment.

I haven't been puked on since a rock concert at Cobo Hall in the 70s.

Beastmaster went in with the big alligators and rubbed their sides so they'd hiss. (He said they're pretty tame, they were raised there.) He also teased a Nile Monitor by sort of nudging it on the side - it lashed it's tail like it wanted to kick his ass.

He said there's just nothing pleasant about those lizards. That one was captured in Cape Coral, the people thought it would make a cool pet. They were wrong.

If you're ever in the Naples area, head south on 41 and take in the sights. It was an amazing day.

Here's a link to their site. Don't be alarmed - the "Shooting Gallery" is photos:-)



Unknown said...

Hi! I wish I had introduced myself to you while you were at the Skunk Ape gift shop. I was the short, blonde female in the Skunk Ape T-Shirt who said hello to you and your friend as you pulled in. It was a white Saturn I believe, yes? Anyway I love your page. I read everything on it, and it is very inspiring and well written. Jack, a good friend of mine who I happened to be visiting that day, sent it to me. Take Care and thanks for visiting the shop and the animals. It gives the area a little depth, culture, and mystique I think! Come back and experience the other parts of the glades as well. They are vast and beautiful! -Alicia (Park Ranger, Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve)

mickisuzanne said...

Alicia ... Yes, white Saturn! With an Obama sticker, so - to anyone who thinks if you're a bald guy in South Florida you're automatically a bigot/skinhead - you can just bite my white ass!!!

(I ran across a blog about the center that really pissed me off. You have no right to express a negative opinion about a place if you don't walk in and experience it!)

Yesterday I was so cranky that my friend was making me stop that I don't remember anyone before Rick went into the alligator area to show off his relationship with the big guys.

It was so funny, he was rubbing the one's side and mumbling "who feeds ya?" Meanwhile the gator was hissing like crazy. In the photos he is so small next to them!

Then he just blew my socks off. I will remember that afternoon for the rest of my life and he was so gracious; I think he wanted to go home but he stayed until I was ready to leave.

Except he wouldn't let me take the bird:-)

That was a huge lesson in setting aside preconceptions.

I also got a chance to walk some boardwalks ... I am totally in love with the Everglades now. It was spellbinding.

I took some amazing photos.

I will be back!!! I will bring friends and family. I already sent out a big email with a bunch of the photos and my friends are just blown away.

How on earth did you find this blog, I just wrote it today!

Where can I find out about the native festival that starts this weekend?
