Went to a meeting this morning and wound up in a client's vehicle ... wow, the dash dazzled like the jewelry counter at Tiffany's, the air went on immediately and I cannot remember the last time I experienced that new car smell. Reminded me of the "Mercedes leather" scene in Lost in America.
It was very hard getting back in my paid off piece of crap ... but I would rather have that than the obligation of a lease payment!
My car has an occupant. I hope it's a mouse and not something bigger. There was a thick, round cracker with nibbled edges near the cup holder. Those aren't any crackers that I have, so he's bringing in carry-out from somewhere else. I'll stay out of his way so long as he stays out of mine.
Took a walk about five days ago, all alone on the whole street. The golf course across from me doesn't mow the surrounding areas as often as they used to. I'm sure they're saving money on gas. Unfortunately it makes good hiding for critters.
Well, the gray snake I saw 2' from my foot was way too big to hide, about 3 to 4" thick and a little too wavy to assess it's length. Naturally, I levitated and ran across the street.
It was very hard getting back in my paid off piece of crap ... but I would rather have that than the obligation of a lease payment!
My car has an occupant. I hope it's a mouse and not something bigger. There was a thick, round cracker with nibbled edges near the cup holder. Those aren't any crackers that I have, so he's bringing in carry-out from somewhere else. I'll stay out of his way so long as he stays out of mine.
Took a walk about five days ago, all alone on the whole street. The golf course across from me doesn't mow the surrounding areas as often as they used to. I'm sure they're saving money on gas. Unfortunately it makes good hiding for critters.
Well, the gray snake I saw 2' from my foot was way too big to hide, about 3 to 4" thick and a little too wavy to assess it's length. Naturally, I levitated and ran across the street.
Damned wetlands everywhere!!! (I think the accepted term is "saltwater flats".)
A woman came up behind me on a bike and asked what almost got me ... she had no desire to stay and check it out.
So now I'm riding a bike instead. I'm up too high to bite and way too fast to catch.
Life is good again. The dogs are clean, the floors are washed and Kraft Dinner is now available in a whole grain version. (Remember when it was 3 boxes for a buck? God we are getting so old.)
Just got a singles email from "Strictbutloving", a self-described "retired kinkster." Those are two words you really don't want to see together. What bugs me most is I think I recognize the guy from somewhere. He has a balding "Third Reich" look and photos of himself with his grandchildren.
A woman came up behind me on a bike and asked what almost got me ... she had no desire to stay and check it out.
So now I'm riding a bike instead. I'm up too high to bite and way too fast to catch.
Life is good again. The dogs are clean, the floors are washed and Kraft Dinner is now available in a whole grain version. (Remember when it was 3 boxes for a buck? God we are getting so old.)
Just got a singles email from "Strictbutloving", a self-described "retired kinkster." Those are two words you really don't want to see together. What bugs me most is I think I recognize the guy from somewhere. He has a balding "Third Reich" look and photos of himself with his grandchildren.
About a week ago I got a singles email from an older COUPLE - a man in a wheelchairand his wife looking for a "loving female" to join them on their farm. I'm not making this up, I almost copied their photo for this blog but it was just too sad.
Well, it's always comforting to know you have options if life falls apart. Not GOOD options, but options.
(Actually, my friend Connie has a farm in Missouri. I can learn to tend geese if I have to.)
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