The news just reported that a helicopter crashed into a pool house in Naples. In describing the crash live by remote, the reporter said the helicopter had collapsed on impact and the pilot had to be "excavated".
King Tut had to be excavated. I imagine this pilot had to be extricated.
Peta is on the bridge to Fort Myers Beach today protesting fathers who fish.
I'm blonde, I don't fish for fear I'll catch one worth eating and be asked to help clean it.
I'm Buddhist, I don't fish for fear I'll catch one and hurt it. Even in a catch and release scenario (like relationships), there is danger the fish won't survive.
PETA members are carrying banners that say something like "Fathers - spare the rod." Why on earth would you wave banners intended to make fathers feel guilty about HOW they spend time with their kids? Even if you did get them to stop fishing, will they suddenly decide to go vegan? DOUBTFUL.
I was reading a Buddhist publication a few weeks back. One article explained that it's inappropriate to condemn the butcher if your family eats meat.
A local woman on a Fort Myers freeboard is giving away her son's cat "because he's in the Marines and I can't take care of it."
She posted photos, so I decided to look and see how old and feeble she is that she can't take care of the cat while her son serves our country.
This woman is in her 40s.
Why does this piss me off so much?! Because it shows zero empathy for the cat and her son.
When my son joined the Navy, he was worried about a lot of things. When he found out he was being sent to Sicily, he was especially upset at the thought he might never see his aging cat again. The cat's welfare was a serious issue.
We would have never dreamed of putting Sylvester to sleep or giving him away.
One of Shawn's friends offered to take Sylvester in and - sure enough - the cat was still alive when Shawn returned three years later. He was losing his teeth and having trouble gumming his food, but he was obviously happy to be "home again".
Sylvester died about a month later; he had held on long enough to say good-bye to Shawn.
The news just reported that a helicopter crashed into a pool house in Naples. In describing the crash live by remote, the reporter said the helicopter had collapsed on impact and the pilot had to be "excavated".
King Tut had to be excavated. I imagine this pilot had to be extricated.
Peta is on the bridge to Fort Myers Beach today protesting fathers who fish.
I'm blonde, I don't fish for fear I'll catch one worth eating and be asked to help clean it.
I'm Buddhist, I don't fish for fear I'll catch one and hurt it. Even in a catch and release scenario (like relationships), there is danger the fish won't survive.
PETA members are carrying banners that say something like "Fathers - spare the rod." Why on earth would you wave banners intended to make fathers feel guilty about HOW they spend time with their kids? Even if you did get them to stop fishing, will they suddenly decide to go vegan? DOUBTFUL.
I was reading a Buddhist publication a few weeks back. One article explained that it's inappropriate to condemn the butcher if your family eats meat.
A local woman on a Fort Myers freeboard is giving away her son's cat "because he's in the Marines and I can't take care of it."
She posted photos, so I decided to look and see how old and feeble she is that she can't take care of the cat while her son serves our country.
This woman is in her 40s.
Why does this piss me off so much?! Because it shows zero empathy for the cat and her son.
When my son joined the Navy, he was worried about a lot of things. When he found out he was being sent to Sicily, he was especially upset at the thought he might never see his aging cat again. The cat's welfare was a serious issue.
We would have never dreamed of putting Sylvester to sleep or giving him away.
One of Shawn's friends offered to take Sylvester in and - sure enough - the cat was still alive when Shawn returned three years later. He was losing his teeth and having trouble gumming his food, but he was obviously happy to be "home again".
Sylvester died about a month later; he had held on long enough to say good-bye to Shawn.
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