Yeah, she even looks like me. Just a lot younger.
This "despair.com" ripoff cracks me up. I'm putting it on my fridge.
Stay with me, there is a theme here. Not that the way I’m living MY life is any indication of how others might be reacting. But I can’t possibly be alone in this …
The gas prices are reminding me of Beyond Thunderdome with Mel Gibson … people riding their motorcycles in a world where gas is about as precious as gold.
Personally, I’m less embarrassed about driving a beater now. One of my friends jokingly called my 10 year old Saturn (with less than 70,000 miles!) my “Uranus.” It’s paid for! It gets more than 30 mpg!
Also I read that “frugal” is newly cool. Whodathunk?
But I try not to drive it at night or on weekends. I have been dabbling in alternative transportation … those things I did when I was twelve. I’m riding my bike and WALKING. And it’s fun. And I’m feeling like a kid again.
I don’t hit the couch every night after work, I hit the sidewalks! I had forgotten how many details you miss when you’re behind a steering wheel. When was the last time you rode a bike … took your feet off the pedals and let them just dangle as you happily flew along?
And I notice that every time I ride, I can go a little further. And my ample ass doesn’t hurt so much.
If I had more money and there was less traffic down here, I’d probably buy a Vespa. I foresee certain areas being full of bicycles and Vespas – just like Italy. As Eddie Izzard says in one of his stand-up routines, “cool people on scooters saying CIAO!!”
And if we’re all starting to ride bikes and Vespas and keep the guzzlers parked, that’s good for air quality. That’s good for the earth, for all sentient beings … the critters, the babies, the generations to come.
Of course, during the snowbird months in Florida, there is a word for people who ride scooters and motorcycles; roadkill.
When I need groceries, I grab my fabric food bag and ride my bike to the grocery store. (See a previous post on what plastics are doing to the environment. It will break your heart.)
I don’t take groceries for granted like I used to. I still want to get out of there for less than $30 – which isn’t easy. However - with one fabric bag and a bicycle outside instead of a car - it is essential.
OK, if you have less money to spend on one of life’s essentials, don’t you INVEST that money WISELY? The South Beach Diet has taught many of us the meaning of empty carbs … that sick, lifeless feeling you get from eating garbage. Crap in, crap out. No pun.
Now you can continue to eat white flour and sugars and it’ll just make you more hungry and thirty bucks is NOT gonna cut it. Also you’re going to miss more work and have to see doctors for shi* you did to yourself and die years sooner than you might if you took care of yourself.
Well, maybe you aspire to being a burden to your kids. I don't.
For snacks at work I buy organic carrots in the teensy bags. I don’t buy lunchmeats, I buy hormone & antibiotic free chicken breasts and cook ‘em myself. Put them in South Beach wraps. And then there’s the organic high fiber cereal and pasta. Holy shi*, the box is half the size it was last time I bought it – but the nutrition is solid.
If food is going to be that expensive, I’m going to buy HEALTHY food. I am voting with my wallet. I am investing in my life.
All it takes is a good pair of scissors. They save me $190 a month.
I save $90 a month by grooming my dogs myself. Yeah, I do a lousy job, but I get a little better every time. I use a comb and scissors and the girls have grown to enjoy it.
A friend at work suggested I use Johnson Baby Shampoo instead of dog shampoo. "No tears!" It costs less, leaves their fur far fluffier and seems more soothing than pet quality shampoos. So far, so good!!
And I save more than $100 a month my doing my own hair. Last night I did highlights with a kit and went nuts with the scissors. It’s shorter, it will frizz nicely in the high humidity and I save major bucks.
I get better at that every time too.
Gas is so expensive some of us have taken to walking and riding bikes. (Benefits: Less pollutants in the air, improved health/weight loss.)
Groceries are so expensive some of us are eating healthier because we refuse to spend good money on bad food. (Benefits: Less garbage in the pantry, improved health and longer, happier lives.)
Most of us don't take anything for granted any more.
Seems like nobody is whining much about their jobs these days. Well, a little standard griping on Mondays, but not much more than that.
Anyone who has a job is blessed.
Or a roof. Or ....
This "despair.com" ripoff cracks me up. I'm putting it on my fridge.
Stay with me, there is a theme here. Not that the way I’m living MY life is any indication of how others might be reacting. But I can’t possibly be alone in this …
The gas prices are reminding me of Beyond Thunderdome with Mel Gibson … people riding their motorcycles in a world where gas is about as precious as gold.
Personally, I’m less embarrassed about driving a beater now. One of my friends jokingly called my 10 year old Saturn (with less than 70,000 miles!) my “Uranus.” It’s paid for! It gets more than 30 mpg!
Also I read that “frugal” is newly cool. Whodathunk?
But I try not to drive it at night or on weekends. I have been dabbling in alternative transportation … those things I did when I was twelve. I’m riding my bike and WALKING. And it’s fun. And I’m feeling like a kid again.
I don’t hit the couch every night after work, I hit the sidewalks! I had forgotten how many details you miss when you’re behind a steering wheel. When was the last time you rode a bike … took your feet off the pedals and let them just dangle as you happily flew along?
And I notice that every time I ride, I can go a little further. And my ample ass doesn’t hurt so much.
If I had more money and there was less traffic down here, I’d probably buy a Vespa. I foresee certain areas being full of bicycles and Vespas – just like Italy. As Eddie Izzard says in one of his stand-up routines, “cool people on scooters saying CIAO!!”
And if we’re all starting to ride bikes and Vespas and keep the guzzlers parked, that’s good for air quality. That’s good for the earth, for all sentient beings … the critters, the babies, the generations to come.
Of course, during the snowbird months in Florida, there is a word for people who ride scooters and motorcycles; roadkill.
When I need groceries, I grab my fabric food bag and ride my bike to the grocery store. (See a previous post on what plastics are doing to the environment. It will break your heart.)
I don’t take groceries for granted like I used to. I still want to get out of there for less than $30 – which isn’t easy. However - with one fabric bag and a bicycle outside instead of a car - it is essential.
OK, if you have less money to spend on one of life’s essentials, don’t you INVEST that money WISELY? The South Beach Diet has taught many of us the meaning of empty carbs … that sick, lifeless feeling you get from eating garbage. Crap in, crap out. No pun.
Now you can continue to eat white flour and sugars and it’ll just make you more hungry and thirty bucks is NOT gonna cut it. Also you’re going to miss more work and have to see doctors for shi* you did to yourself and die years sooner than you might if you took care of yourself.
Well, maybe you aspire to being a burden to your kids. I don't.
For snacks at work I buy organic carrots in the teensy bags. I don’t buy lunchmeats, I buy hormone & antibiotic free chicken breasts and cook ‘em myself. Put them in South Beach wraps. And then there’s the organic high fiber cereal and pasta. Holy shi*, the box is half the size it was last time I bought it – but the nutrition is solid.
If food is going to be that expensive, I’m going to buy HEALTHY food. I am voting with my wallet. I am investing in my life.
All it takes is a good pair of scissors. They save me $190 a month.
I save $90 a month by grooming my dogs myself. Yeah, I do a lousy job, but I get a little better every time. I use a comb and scissors and the girls have grown to enjoy it.
A friend at work suggested I use Johnson Baby Shampoo instead of dog shampoo. "No tears!" It costs less, leaves their fur far fluffier and seems more soothing than pet quality shampoos. So far, so good!!
And I save more than $100 a month my doing my own hair. Last night I did highlights with a kit and went nuts with the scissors. It’s shorter, it will frizz nicely in the high humidity and I save major bucks.
I get better at that every time too.
Gas is so expensive some of us have taken to walking and riding bikes. (Benefits: Less pollutants in the air, improved health/weight loss.)
Groceries are so expensive some of us are eating healthier because we refuse to spend good money on bad food. (Benefits: Less garbage in the pantry, improved health and longer, happier lives.)
Most of us don't take anything for granted any more.
Seems like nobody is whining much about their jobs these days. Well, a little standard griping on Mondays, but not much more than that.
Anyone who has a job is blessed.
Or a roof. Or ....
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