Saturday, 11/14/09 - Motel 6 - Calhoun, Georgia.
Name that photo. No, it’s not a giant razor blade. Although I could probably use one about now … no, it’s a metal tissue dispenser COVER that typically goes on a wall OVER an inset tissue box; except that in this case there is no tissue, just wall y’all.
You have to wonder who they think they’re fooling. And then you have to wonder who “they” are.
Well, you don’t “have” to. And maybe you shouldn’t.
The room is actually quite nice despite the utter affordability of it. Me and my bitchez are sequestered back at the far end of the complex with another single woman and her red setter. We're about 6 rooms apart, like they're afraid we'll start trouble or something.
She was taking an arched back dump (the dog) when she (the owner) looked up and made mention of our shared experience. We have this whole building to ourselves. We could invite whole packs of dogs and bring biscuits and hydrants and howl at the moon and pee on the walls and really tear the place up if we wanted to.
But me and mine … we’re wiped out. They won’t want to get back in the car in the morning; neither will I.
It has been a hell of a day. We napped at a rest area. I’ve never done that. I woke up and someone was watching me. Never doing that again.
Heartfelt thanks to Snowbird for bringing some sanity to my pre-departure ditziness. I was out of the condo with everything I needed for me and the girls in one hour, on the road at 6:10 a.m. and the sunrise was SPECTACULAR. There were low rolling puffs of fog over some of the ponds and the sun came up through the haze. I saw it through my rear view mirror as I crossed the Peace River in Punta Gorda.
It was so beautiful other drivers actually smiled and waved.
When you drive from Southwest Florida to the Georgia border, I have to tell you the state just goes on and on and on. Then you enter Georgia, which should probably be named The Billboard State. You quickly get some sense of enduring community struggles as anti-abortion signs compete with billboards promoting the pleasures of the flesh.
In North Georgia a very tall McDonalds sign has another sign directly below. It's for “Adult Specialties”. I don’t know why McDonalds corporate isn’t all over that. Some customers might expect to be served by thonged young thangs with sesame seed buns.
Driving from Florida to Michigan is actually pretty cool. This is so much cheaper than boarding the dogs, getting additional vaccinations pre-boarding, etc., etc. Plus you get to see the land. I had the windows open as we passed cotton fields and “boiled peanut” signs.
You get really tired by the time you hit Atlanta - which is a horror. We’re talking Saturday and you STILL cannot time that town to save your life.
It was about 15 miles of cars, trucks and Hummers doing 70 miles per hours NOSE TO ASS without tapping the brakes; those people DO NOT UNDERSTAND the concept of one car space for every 10 miles per hour.
Bubbas in half ton pickups with rifle racks half bounce/half slice through traffic like they’re cutting the herd.
Bubbas in half ton pickups with rifle racks half bounce/half slice through traffic like they’re cutting the herd.
Thanks to Snowbird for lending me his Garmin … directional indecision can throw a weary driver well off course. I could be in Savannah right now.
Navigational software is like religion. It expects unconditional trust without considering real world change, personal experience or choice.
Still, tired as I was, it saved my day.
Still, tired as I was, it saved my day.
Listened in on some right wing conservative radio. In Georgia it seems they like to tie guns to Jesus. If you’ve got a gun you can go out into nature and enjoy the world He created … while blowing the living shit out of anything in your path.
Another earnest radio preacher mourned the fact that we live in a time when “some Christians are now seen as being intolerant and out of touch.”
Saw a sign for Christian marriage counseling. “Who’s loving her if you’re not?” ??? That seems extreme.
Saw a sign for Christian marriage counseling. “Who’s loving her if you’re not?” ??? That seems extreme.
Caught a spectacular baby shower pink and blue sunset before calling it a day. Tomorrow I hit the Tennessee mountains at sunrise.
From beginning to end, I’m expecting a wonderful day.
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