If you want to know how fucked up our country is in terms of health care, APPLY for health care insurance.
I spent the day doing just that. My health is pretty good ... except for the stress. Yup, I have palpitations when my head hits the pillow. Symptoms like that are terrifying when you live 1400 miles away from anyone who gives a shit.
I haven't had a physical in about five years. That includes going to the gyno for the "pubic option". Haven't had a mammogram in that long either. I'm taking huge risks for a broad my age, but I also know I'm not alone.
If you don't have health insurance there's no point in finding out if something is wrong because YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO GET IT FIXED.
Women in my family live far longer than nature ever intended. My Gram outlived her brain, which sputtered through to about 87 before turning to grits. But her body? At about 93 she got some type of cancer and hospice was called. She outlived hospice and the cancer went away. (I don't make this stuff up.)
She could bend over from the waist and put her palm on the dementia ward floor at 96.
I don't think I'll be so "lucky". Not that I want to be, but I would like another decade or so. I'm a physically active vegetarian yoga nut. So I'm thinking catastrophic coverage should fit just fine.
It has to because I can't afford more. (Seems like it's running between $100 and $200/mo.)
I began my quest with a search of health insurance providers I distrust least. United Healthcare is a good choice here in Florida. I liked them when I had it through my job.
I think I landed on ehealthcare.com or something. They seemed to have some decent plans. I didn't trust not being at the source and didn't like that they didn't show Blue Cross as an option - that spooked me. An online health insurance site should show all the big providers. Shouldn't it?
So I searched for United Healthcare's actual site.
Again I wound up at some intermediary site. However, this one seemed like it listed them all.
I spent about three hours in purgatory starting to put my information in and just about dying as I went through the very OBVIOUS cherry-picking pages of the documentation. They don't want anyone who might get sick; they want perfectly healthy people who don't smoke, drink or ride motorcycles.
I went through health hell five years ago. I had a number of diagnoses the disability insurers called horseshit; I was served up a great heaping portion of Lyme with a side of mitral valve prolapse. Plus other stuff. That has me nervous when it comes to getting new insurance.
I haven't had a physical in about five years. That includes going to the gyno for the "pubic option". Haven't had a mammogram in that long either. I'm taking huge risks for a broad my age, but I also know I'm not alone.
If you don't have health insurance there's no point in finding out if something is wrong because YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO GET IT FIXED.
Women in my family live far longer than nature ever intended. My Gram outlived her brain, which sputtered through to about 87 before turning to grits. But her body? At about 93 she got some type of cancer and hospice was called. She outlived hospice and the cancer went away. (I don't make this stuff up.)
She could bend over from the waist and put her palm on the dementia ward floor at 96.
I don't think I'll be so "lucky". Not that I want to be, but I would like another decade or so. I'm a physically active vegetarian yoga nut. So I'm thinking catastrophic coverage should fit just fine.
It has to because I can't afford more. (Seems like it's running between $100 and $200/mo.)
I began my quest with a search of health insurance providers I distrust least. United Healthcare is a good choice here in Florida. I liked them when I had it through my job.
I think I landed on ehealthcare.com or something. They seemed to have some decent plans. I didn't trust not being at the source and didn't like that they didn't show Blue Cross as an option - that spooked me. An online health insurance site should show all the big providers. Shouldn't it?
So I searched for United Healthcare's actual site.
Again I wound up at some intermediary site. However, this one seemed like it listed them all.
I spent about three hours in purgatory starting to put my information in and just about dying as I went through the very OBVIOUS cherry-picking pages of the documentation. They don't want anyone who might get sick; they want perfectly healthy people who don't smoke, drink or ride motorcycles.
I went through health hell five years ago. I had a number of diagnoses the disability insurers called horseshit; I was served up a great heaping portion of Lyme with a side of mitral valve prolapse. Plus other stuff. That has me nervous when it comes to getting new insurance.
BECAUSE SUDDENLY THE HEALTH CARE INSURERS BELIEVE I WAS REALLY, REALLY SICK. They didn't then because it would have meant the disability people would have had to PAY.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you those mofos would rather see sick people die than cover them as promised. I had to rifle through two huge boxes of details from my time in hell to dig up some of what I needed to get through this day.
I think five years is sort of the cutoff for that information and I crossed my fingers. I don't think this stuff is computerized yet. Besides which, my health did turn around completely in the past few years. I don't take any meds, I'm very active, I live a very healthy life.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you those mofos would rather see sick people die than cover them as promised. I had to rifle through two huge boxes of details from my time in hell to dig up some of what I needed to get through this day.
I think five years is sort of the cutoff for that information and I crossed my fingers. I don't think this stuff is computerized yet. Besides which, my health did turn around completely in the past few years. I don't take any meds, I'm very active, I live a very healthy life.
HAVE YOU SEEN THESE FORMS???? Some were asking excruciatingly detailed stuff, like "have you had a urinary tract infection?" Pubic options as it were ... I don't know any woman who doesn't get them from time to time. THEY WANTED TO KNOW WHEN, WHERE IT WAS TREATED AND WHAT WAS INVOLVED. Oh, and "when's the last time you had one?"
Bite me.
I peed in a cup, they said "yeah, infection" and I got a prescription and poof, GONE. More than a year ago. It was from some good old-fashioned holiday boffing.
I went into those forms about four or five times and was completely frustrated by the time I actually picked up the phone and dialed the number the website showed for United Healthcare. I told the friendly, professional sounding person that I had been insured through them, I just wanted to get whatever I could sign on for as an individual on United Healthcare's plan.
I was passed through to a representative in Florida.
This woman sounded mid-sixties, nasal, condescending, like I'd caught her getting her nails done at some discount salon in Miami. She sounded a little put out.
I went into those forms about four or five times and was completely frustrated by the time I actually picked up the phone and dialed the number the website showed for United Healthcare. I told the friendly, professional sounding person that I had been insured through them, I just wanted to get whatever I could sign on for as an individual on United Healthcare's plan.
I was passed through to a representative in Florida.
This woman sounded mid-sixties, nasal, condescending, like I'd caught her getting her nails done at some discount salon in Miami. She sounded a little put out.
I told her I wanted United Healthcare - I even knew the plan number - and she said "honey, at your age you don't want that. They'll raise your rates. You need ..." (she mumbled when she gave the name.) I notice all cues. She was never clear when mentioning the company's name.
She happened to have a special plan at a special rate that ENDED TODAY. I could be one of the last to join THAT GROUP but I had to commit then and there.
All my alarms are going off. What is it with this polite thing??? I hate me sometimes, I should have told her to bag it. But no, I'm scared, this is really important and I'll listen to anything but my bullshit detectors were on overload.
She kept asking if I understood what she was saying. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I was on my way. I said yeah, but give me a website or send me information. One phone call isn't going to cut it.
Twice she asks if I have internet. Twice I told her YES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
She happened to have a special plan at a special rate that ENDED TODAY. I could be one of the last to join THAT GROUP but I had to commit then and there.
All my alarms are going off. What is it with this polite thing??? I hate me sometimes, I should have told her to bag it. But no, I'm scared, this is really important and I'll listen to anything but my bullshit detectors were on overload.
She kept asking if I understood what she was saying. It takes a lot to get me angry, but I was on my way. I said yeah, but give me a website or send me information. One phone call isn't going to cut it.
Twice she asks if I have internet. Twice I told her YES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.
She says "go to dubya ... dubya ... dubya ... dot ..." like I am a moron. Obviously she is.
This is the site.
If I'm wrong about this organization, please let me know. I did a quick search and found where some other Florida resident posted "NAPAHOME RIPOFF!", that they nearly nailed him; he put a stop on his credit information before it could be processed.
And she's still blabbering as I'm checking this stuff out. And I said "I will not commit to anything based on one phone call. Give me your number."
She acted weird about that. I got a lecture on how there wasn't much time, all other companies were ripoffs and this was the insurance she had herself.
I told her my battery on my phone was running down and she didn't understand. She says "well I'll call you on your landline." I don't have a landline. She doesn't understand that some people gave up landlines years ago.
THE MOST IRRITATING WOMAN ON THE PLANET. Ten years ago she would have shown up at my Gram's door and convinced her to buy a $5,000 vacuum.
This is the site.
If I'm wrong about this organization, please let me know. I did a quick search and found where some other Florida resident posted "NAPAHOME RIPOFF!", that they nearly nailed him; he put a stop on his credit information before it could be processed.
And she's still blabbering as I'm checking this stuff out. And I said "I will not commit to anything based on one phone call. Give me your number."
She acted weird about that. I got a lecture on how there wasn't much time, all other companies were ripoffs and this was the insurance she had herself.
I told her my battery on my phone was running down and she didn't understand. She says "well I'll call you on your landline." I don't have a landline. She doesn't understand that some people gave up landlines years ago.
THE MOST IRRITATING WOMAN ON THE PLANET. Ten years ago she would have shown up at my Gram's door and convinced her to buy a $5,000 vacuum.
When I finally hung up I think I spent an hour not doing anything health insurance related; then I came back in to check Blue Cross. At least they should have my old information, that's what I had when I was sick and they were solid.
Turns out no, they do not have my old information. Which is a blessing and a curse.
Turns out no, they do not have my old information. Which is a blessing and a curse.
I filled out the forms (as involved as those described above - if not worse). And at the end of all these pages YOU CANNOT GET OUT OF THE FORM WITHOUT COMMITTING TO A PLAN. Mind you, they want you to pay EVEN IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEY'LL LET YOU HAVE IT.
There is no option after you've done all that work to just save it and come back.
So I paid. I know bcbs, it was an affordable rate for catastrophic and they didn't try to make it sound like more than it was.
I don't know what will happen, whether they'll check me out and decide I'm not healthy enough to have insurance and issue a credit - or let it slide.
I don't know what will happen, whether they'll check me out and decide I'm not healthy enough to have insurance and issue a credit - or let it slide.
I hope they accept me. It seems to me one of exBF Randy's buddies had it and they saved his ass on some serious stuff.
That's all I want or need at this point.
But tomorrow?
"Organizing for Tomorrow" is having a letter signing event in Naples.
They wrote: "Following the President's health reform address to Congress two weeks ago, OFA volunteers stepped up and generated a huge outpouring of grassroots support, including hundreds of thousands of signatures and calls in support of real health insurance reform. So to keep the great momentum going locally, we're holding a letter-writing event in Naples tomorrow. Organizing for America volunteers will be gathering together to write letters to our senators, asking them to support the President's Plan for Health Reform."
It's an hour drive but I can't think of a better way to spend a day.