Walked into the condo dripping with sweat to see a message on my phone - Good Randy. I thought he had left for White Lake, already.
Hanging out with him and his friends is like being home without having to go there. They drink too much, they're car freaks, they're outrageous, they're rabble rousers ... they are a hell of a good time.
Most important, Randy is a long-time smoker who has just gone through months of radiation for throat cancer. I've been worried about him.
I called him back and he croaked "can you come out and play tonight?" Relieved that I would have a chance to say good-bye before he goes home, I said "give me time to shower!!"
He was there at the Lighthouse Tiki Bar with his younger brother and a slight departure from the usual suspects. They'd met some women at Matanzas and Randy was sharing smokes with a surgical nurse from Sarasota.
Yeah, I know. Two people who really SHOULD know better.
Apparently I had just missed a fight - this one was particularly interesting. Lighthouse is a colorful bar/restaurant surrounded by a smallish 3-story hotel. I am told a man and woman were passing the sandy path to the bar when the woman insisted they have a drink.
"The guy grabbed the woman's arm so hard it was like he was going to tear it off." He dragged her away from the bar, upstairs to their room.
Someone heard the man say he had a gun, so employees called the cops. It sounds like a guy cop and lady cop answered the call at the room ... and the woman was wild with booze. The lady cop tried to calm her down and the woman responded "you keep your effin' hands off me you *&%$" - at which point things got physical and the drunk woman hauled off and nailed the guy cop, cutting him near his mouth with her nails.
Holy crap, that is not a good thing to do anywhere, but especially not here. You do not fuck with these cops. They make wise guys seem like girl scouts.
They dragged her away. I told the employee who was telling the tale "well, she gets a free room tonight." And he said "yup - three hots and a cot!" (I never heard that one before.)
So the rest of the evening was pretty much local gossip, extreme flattery and circle-talking on the part of Good Randy who'd had too much to drink, some good conversation with his brother and a lot of attention from a beautiful little gray and white cat with bright eyes and a large bushy tail.
Randy asked me to dance and I went reluctantly. For good reason. He held me close and said "those are real!" Like he'd discovered Penicillin or something.
I went back to the table and warned the other ladies that Randy was a grinder and a groper and they'd better be careful. Which was a lie, of course, but a boost to his ego.
I excused myself to go to the john and was confronted by two hot NY cops who waved a badge in my face declaring they were the boob police. Without skipping a beat I said I was just checked on the dance floor and they bent double with laughter.
Good Randy wants to take the boat out a few times before he and his brother head back mid-week. Maybe tomorrow, it all depends on the weather. They want me to come up and stay a while, they especially want me to come up for the Woodward Dream Cruise, which is on my birthday.
We'll see. I'm definitely going up, I just don't know when.
Between a potential kayaking date and this upcoming boat ride, there is some hope for a fun weekend after all:-)