This old take on The Sixth Sense is about the only humor that fits this country in these deathly serious times.
I was on the Southwest Florida Obama board and I forwarded an email on registering young voters - for a measly $12 donation you get a free shirt. (Here's a link:)
A Canadian wrote back complaining that MoveOn.org wouldn't take his information. I wrote back he should probably go to Obama's main site.
I don't know what I was thinking - it took a few email exchanges to realize HE DOESN'T EVEN LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY AND HE CARES ENOUGH TO DONATE.
So I asked him - what do Canadians think of this presidential race? This is what he wrote.
"I'll tell you what they think.....they think it's a completely disgraceful show, mostly on the part of McCain and the joke that Palin is.....I'd say the support for Obama here is very, very heavy.....over 90%...if not 95%.....I've come up with a plan for that $12.00 donation for the t-shirt.....make 3 separate donations but have them sent to my sister's and nephew's home address.....just have to confirm their complete mailing address:))).....personally my wife, my son and I can't stand to watch Palin at all.....we know all about Alaska since it was part of Canada once upon a time.....it's Eskimo country.....with a very small population....not really in touch with mainstream america......her voice annoys us to the point we have to change the channel when we hear her speaking......and as for McCain, we watch him because it's better than the stuff they have on the comedy channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol.......I've donated personally $250.00 towards the Obama campaign and I'm in about 35 state groups across the U.S.......this includes all the battleground states.....so when I pass blogs on they reach all 35 state groups....the internet is a wonderful tool.......to easily reach to as many people as you can.........like Florida:))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......"
Well said my Canadian friend.
There for a while, I had forgotten the whole world has a huge stake in what happens here.
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